We stopped at four rest areas to stretch, one just before Twin Falls in Idaho on I-84, One right before the Idaho/Utah border, One right inside Wyoming at Bear Park, and the last one was at Bitter Creek off of I-80. The first three were ok, somewhat clean but the Bitter Creek one was nasty!
We got to enjoy Chick-fil-A for lunch after a relatively tense drive through the commerce district of Ogden, Utah right before I-84 and I-15 head apart from each other. Have never had bad Chick-fil-A and this time was just as good. It was kind of funny that this place had won regional best branch 2 times since there is no other Chick-fil-a for like 1000 miles in any direction.
The driving was not bad, I discovered the benifits of cruise control today - my legs wouldnt have survived otherwise - There was *no* traffic on I-80 so I just put it on 79 (75 limit) and cruised.. i did think the car was gonna asplode as we went up into the mountains and the CC kept the engine at about 5k rpms. The result of this technology is that I feel just fine after 696 miles. Tomorrow will be almost as much but it is more of I-80 so it shouldn't be bad at all. I just hope I dont have to deal with Trucks passing Trucks going up a mountain and pointless construction.
We got into town and found a Brand Newish Fairfield (2/2 nights so far) and though it was a bit more than 60, it should get us free stays somewhere with our rewards...
Next stop, St. Joseph, MO!
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